I think while opening lockdown Homoeopathy will have a vital role as immunity boosters like Ars Alb 30 or others can be dispensed everywhere easily.

As in case of sanitisers, these can be a part of all opening establishments and be given to all the people entering or working there as well as the respective family members free of cost with due adherence to prevalent rules. As these Homoeopathic substances are totally safe, there will be no issue of any kind.

Since allopathy has no sure cure, symptomatic treatment by AYUSH and in particular Homoeopathy will be the right complement to allopathic treatment by doctors. For this purpose, many governments have allowed AYUSH practioners to treat willing COVID patients, suspected or confirmed.

Ayurveda has also got many popular and proven immunity boosters. These can also be distributed for further improving immunity of the people.

Homoeopathic and Ayurvedic immunity boosters will also build mental health and confidence of the community and will speed up restoration to normal situation.

S B Dangayach
National Vice President
Arogya Bharati
Founder Trustee
Innovative Thought Forum

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